

  1. 答:翻译成英文是拦余What are the English translations of the accounting papers
问:会计论文 英文摘要翻译
  1. 答:会计论文自己到网站上去找的啊 翻译: The accounting elements of accounting object is the basic theory and materialize and is accounting recognition and measurement, the foundation of the report. Accounting is the foundation of basic theory research, but also the core of constructing accounting standards. The definition of the accounting elements, affecting both the accounting methods selection and application, and related to the realization of the target of the accounting degree. This paper summarized the accounting elements in and with the international accounting parison to find out their advantages and disadvantages, play their advantage. Hope to our country accounting elements of improvement of the foundation.
  1. 答:Abstract: by providing financial accounting information system, the information in enterprise management plays an important role. Accounting information processing from manual to make the traditional pattern of puterization, gradually being broken, new accounting theories and ideas gradually established in accounting, thus promoting development and reform, but also promote the puterization further improvement and development. Based on the discussion puterized accounting and its characteristics, on the basis of the research on the development of traditional puterized accounting, points out the influence of traditional puterized accounting of accounting theory, accounting, auditing and internal control to some extent.
    Keywords: accounting theory, accounting audit internal control
